Pareto Frontiers in Neural Feature Learning: Data, Compute, Width, and Luck

This work investigates the nuanced algorithm design choices for deep learning in the presence of computational-statistical gaps. We begin by considering offline sparse parity learning, a supervised classification problem which admits a statistical …

Adversarial Resilience in Sequential Prediction via Abstention

We study the problem of sequential prediction in the stochastic setting with an adversary that is allowed to inject clean-label adversarial (or out-of-distribution) examples. Algorithms designed to handle purely stochastic data tend to fail in the …

Exposing Attention Glitches with Flip-Flop Language Modeling

Why do large language models sometimes output factual inaccuracies and exhibit erroneous reasoning? The brittleness of these models, particularly when executing long chains of reasoning, currently seems to be an inevitable price to pay for their …

Learning Narrow One-Hidden-Layer ReLU Networks

We consider the well-studied problem of learning a linear combination of k ReLU activations with respect to a Gaussian distribution on inputs in d dimensions. We give the first polynomial-time algorithm that succeeds whenever k is a constant. All …

Transformers Learn Shortcuts to Automata

Algorithmic reasoning requires capabilities which are most naturally understood through recurrent models of computation, like the Turing machine. However, Transformer models, while lacking recurrence, are able to perform such reasoning using far …

Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks Learn Succinct Learning Algorithms

Neural Networks (NNs) struggle to efficiently learn certain problems, such as parity problems, even when there are simple learning algorithms for those problems. Can NNs discover learning algorithms on their own? We exhibit a NN architecture that, in …

Hidden Progress in Deep Learning: SGD Learns Parities Near the Computational Limit

There is mounting empirical evidence of mph{emergent phenomena} in the capabilities of deep learning methods as we scale up datasets, model sizes, and training times. While there are some accounts of how these resources modulate statistical …

Inductive Biases and Variable Creation in Self-Attention Mechanisms

Self-attention, an architectural motif designed to model long-range interactions in sequential data, has driven numerous recent breakthroughs in natural language processing and beyond. This work provides a theoretical analysis of the inductive biases …

Understanding Contrastive Learning Requires Incorporating Inductive Biases

Contrastive learning is a popular form of self-supervised learning that encourages augmentations (views) of the same input to have more similar representations compared to augmentations of different inputs. Recent attempts to theoretically explain …

Anti-Concentrated Confidence Bonuses for Scalable Exploration

Intrinsic rewards play a central role in handling the exploration-exploitation trade-off when designing sequential decision-making algorithms, in both foundational theory and state-of-the-art deep reinforcement learning. The LinUCB algorithm, a …